Drawing - Helpful hints - ages 10 / 15
Here are a few guidelines for drawing up a male profile. As the female profile is more complex, it's best to master it first.
And yes curves are different for women, they are more often in opposition on the same line; eyes in particular: convex concave convex; lips, nose, eyelashes and hair too (speaking only of the face).
Then there's the more complex notion of rotating the face from front to 3/4, which requires you to anticipate the volume that changes to perspective as soon as it turns on its vertical axis. Which is what 3D is all about.
Drawing = "2D" meaning 2 Dimensions : x (width) y (height)
Computer-generated images = "3D" meaning 3 Dimensions: x (width) y (height) z (depth / "z buffer" in 3D software).
Three-dimensional geometry is more accessible once you've grasped what a face is in 3/4, as it adds the depth vector z, which is absent from face and profile drawings.
Sorry if all this is theoretical and sounds like a geometry class, because if your teachers knew how to make you draw...you'd be geometrically dumb!
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Drawing - Helpful hints - 6 / 10 years
It's good to be the King! Little by little, the different parts of the historical character (or almost...). We'll do knights, princesses and Romans later.
To avoid making the drawings too complex for younger children, I deliberately don't do any i deliberately don't do any pencils. So no erasers. Just one line, in felt-tip or with my favorite weapon... the black ballpoint pen. Very simple (great for drawing in class to make others laugh... but not your teachers - be careful though).
There's no going back, if it's rubbish, you start again, and if you like drawing, you're bound to succeed. Did you know that when you erase an ugly line...you do the same thing over 80% of the time?
Your memory tends to record what you see and reproduce it systematically. You need to look at things differently.
If you don't like your drawing, start all over again.
But first, instead of "seeing" something you're trying to reproduce, stop for 3 minutes and ... observe your model attentively. Close your eyes for a few seconds, take your eyes off the model and draw only from memory. You don't draw with your fingers, you draw with your head. The left hemisphere of the brain is generally associated with logic and language, while the right hemisphere is the seat of intuition, emotions and artistic sense, and therefore the one that "works" when you draw or use your creativity. Train your visual memory. You'll gradually notice the difference...
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